Islam for Nerds

500 Questions and Answers on the world’s most misinterpreted religion

  • November 2016
  • 752 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-9819848-9-7
  • ISBN-13 (Hardcover): 978-3981984835
  • E-Book, paperback, and harcover are available at amazon and almost all other book sellers.
Islam for Nerds


This book is a fascinating journey into one of the largest and probably most misinterpreted religions: Islam. The book is a collection of anecdotes and facts about Islam and its history, the Qur’an, the Prophet Muhammad and his traditions, the do’s and don’ts for Muslims, and how Islam spread around the world, summarized in 500 questions and answers derived from the author’s experiences.

The author lived in North Africa and the Middle East for ten years and immersed himself in Islamic culture and society. He gradually learned the things that children in the Arab world already know, but most people in other parts of the world have never heard of, by talking to his neighbors, teachers, scholars, and ordinary people on the street.

This book explains Islam in all its complexity. The author also addresses current issues: Islam in the West, women’s issues, and jihad.


The book is a great primer for someone who wants a quick and easy to digest book on Islam. The book will appeal to both regular people and nerds.

You also learn rather bizarre things (which one can easily remember),  e.g, what the Prophet's favorite perfume was, whether Osama bin Laden was actually buried "Islamic", who was "the drawn sword of Islam", etc.

Gerald Drißner gets to the bottom of this complicated religion - based on sources that Muslims consider "authentic". He therefore does not engage in scientific discussions, but treats Islam as a religion - in which one believes or not.

What readers say

Based on 8 Reviews
John Honohan

5.0 out of 5 stars I really enjoyed reading this book

I really enjoyed reading this book. It's very succinct and a great primer for someone who wants a quick and easily digestible book on Islam. The author discusses quirky cases in Islamic practice and law that make this all the more enjoyable. This is a book both regular people and nerds will enjoy.

Arabic for Nerds 2
Arabic for Nerds 1
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